Tuesday 5 December 2017

Update on Fr Dickson

Father has been on intravenous antibiotics 3 times since his admission and each time they move him to oral antibiotics the pneumonia rages again. They are leaving him on his new intravenous antibiotics (Meropenem) for the whole course. The medics have said they have to do a CT scan  and/or a bronchoscopy to see if it is the bronchiectasis or a growth/tumour that is harbouring the pneumonia, as it refuses to give up the fight. He has also developed a rash around his ankles that they are not happy about. There is no sign of discharge, as all in all he remains very unwell.


  1. Praying daily for Fr. Dickson, and having a Mass said for him this Sunday. Please continue to assure him of our prayers and our love.

    Thank you for posting these updates. Much appreciated.

  2. Thank you, geneticallycatholic.


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