Wednesday 29 November 2017

Update on Fr Dickson

Father knows of all who are praying for him and is very grateful.

He remains very, very ill. 
He was initially admitted with a bad Pneumonia a week and a half ago. Antibiotic treatments have been relatively unsuccessful. Now, having also detected a Pseudomonas infection, Medical staff -apparently running out of options- are strongly hoping the new antibiotics they are trying him on prove effective.

Let's please continue to pray and offer sacrifices...


  1. Will keep him in my prayers daily.

    1. Thank you, Sandy.

      (As with Fr Blake, I can only apologise for the delay in publishing your comment: I only noticed it tonight.)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank your for your prayers, Father. Father does appreciate them.

      (I do apologise for the delay in publishing your comment: I don't know how I didn't notice it before tonight.)


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