Friday, 3 April 2015

Urgent Prayer Request

Prayers please, for my nephew. He contracted sudden and severe community-acquired pneumonia this week, possibly complicated by pleurisy. His name is Lee, and he is married to Lisa, and they have two young children.
Thank you. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear God, please inspire more and more people
    to say ‘flash prayers’ for everyone they see,
    for at least five minutes every day,
    especially when they see people coming towards
    them in the street, people in any queue -in an
    airport, at a till, or a queue for Holy Communion,
    people of any age, any colour, any creed,
    rich or poor, friends or enemies.

    Thank you, Lord, for giving me these prayers:
    -When looking at a man, “Dear God, help him”
    -When looking at a woman, “Dear God, help her”
    -When looking at a group, “Dear God, help them”

    Lord, such ‘flash prayers’ bring joy and lead us
    to help people in practical ways.
    May we use them more and more
    and may the Holy Spirit inspire us to share
    the beauty of ‘flash prayers’ with many others,
    sending ripples of goodness and peace
    throughout the world.


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