Not all of the
prelates we have today are true fathers of the flock of God. Rather than defend
and promote the Gospel some seem keen to follow the ways of the world; for
example, those who were eager to include the LGBT acronym in the documents of
the synod. Where did this loss of good fathers begin? In my opinion it has to
be traced back to modernism and its infiltration into Vatican II. It took hold
when the Fathers changed the order of the purposes of marriage from procreation
as its primary end to the building up of the couple. Although Vatican II tried
to avoid speaking about a primary and secondary end (purpose) of marriage, it
can be said not have achieved this since it stated, “Marriage to be sure is not
instituted solely for procreation; rather, its very nature as an unbreakable
compact between persons, and the welfare of the children, both demand that the
mutual love of the spouses be embodied in a rightly ordered manner, that it
grow and ripen. Therefore, marriage persists as a whole manner and communion of
life, and maintains its value and indissolubility, even when despite the often
intense desire of the couple, offspring are lacking.” (Gaudium et spes, #50),
This appears to place both ends on an equal footing, but it begins by demoting
procreation as the primary end of marriage, preferring to speak first of the growth
and ripening of conjugal love, and the communion of life, only then does it
progress to speak of marriage as a procreative reality. The 1917 Code of Canon
Law (from which many students learned their theology prior to the Council since
the Code is formed to protect the living out of Catholic Doctrine), is in
contrast to that statement and to the 1983 Code which takes up the language of
Vatican II:
1917 Code: Canon
§1. The primary end
of marriage is the procreation and education of children; its secondary end is
mutual help and the allaying of concupiscence.
§2. The essential
properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility, which acquire a
particular firmness in Christian marriage by reason of its sacramental
1983 Code: Canon
1055 §1.
The marriage
covenant, by which a man and a woman establish themselves a partnership of
their whole life, and which of its own very nature is ordered to the well-being
of the spouses and the procreation and upbringing of children, has, between the
baptized, been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.
While the
Traditional Code places the procreation of children first the 1983 Code begins
with the well-being of the spouses and progresses thence to the procreation of
The elements of the
doctrine of marriage are not changed, but their order is, and this is
significant since it is brings with it a distorting of God’s plan: the
well-being of the spouses being placed before the couple’s primary blessing and
duty to engage in the procreation of children (Gen1v28). This is the work of
the devil. His clever tactic has always been the same; don’t try to ditch the
Truth, just distort it. For example, God made man in His own image and
likeness, and Satan used that truth against man: “if you eat you will be like
God in knowing right from wrong”. One can imagine Adam and Eve reasoning that
if God made them to be like Him it cannot be wrong for them to enhance that by
eating of the fruit whereby they “will be like God in knowing good and evil” (Ge.3v5). But it was wrong. The devil
successfully took a truth and distorted it, and he did the same with the
modernists who took their ideas with them into Vatican II. In relation to marriage it seems precisely their
placing of the relationship before procreation that provided the
opportunity to call for the allowing of contraception, presumably to ensure the
marriage relationship was fitting for the procreation of children.
From a secular
point of view this placing of the marriage relationship first makes sense: if
the marriage is not good children are brought into a situation of disharmony,
stress, or even psychological/physical violence of one spouse toward another,
so the quality of the marriage must be the first priority. But we are not secular people, and ought to follow God’s plan first
(though NOT to the exclusion of secular considerations); we simply need to get
back to putting procreation first. When people see themselves as marrying
primarily (even if not exclusively) as a fulfilling of their own needs for
companionship, fulfilment and/or affirmation, then when the drudgery of daily
duties, the stresses of bills, work deadlines etc come into play dissipating
the romance, the marriage can be experienced as dead; as no longer fulfilling,
and divorce seen as the answer. The idea of following a vocation as a means of seeking
one’s personal fulfilment/affirmation is erroneous, since vocations are first
and foremost a call to serve God, not self, yet this idea of a vocation being
about one’s fulfilment is rife and has affected the priesthood too: a man may
be perfectly adequate at carrying out his priestly duties but become somewhat
personally unfulfilled and seek to leave the priesthood to find that personal
fulfilment and affirmation elsewhere. Thus marriages and priestly vocations
fail because those entering into these states are placing their own needs
before the vocational duty of serving God. It is good and perhaps ideal if one’s
vocation is personally fulfilling and affirming, but it is not essential for
the service of God –which involves the carrying of a cross.
The formation of Catholic
clergy in the error that the quality of the marriage relationship is primary
has also provided the opportunity to say that if the relationship is primary
and not procreation, then ‘marriage’ between persons of the same sex is
acceptable since relationship is the core aspect. We thus have a Church where
priests of both ranks (episcopal and presbyteral) are in favour of the use of
contraception (with the natural corollary of abortion when contraception fails)
and same-sex relationships, are all said to be I conformity with the Lord’s Gospel
and plan for marriage. Thus the so-called Synod on the Youth dabbled with the using
and thereby authenticating ‘LGBT’ as an ontological reality and thus align the
Church with the LGBT agenda. It appears from the scandal of bishops abusing
their power to have seminarians ‘share their bed’ arises from clergy who have
been malformed on sex, sexuality, marriage and personal fulfilment. Reportsof an American Cardinal’s alleged sexual misconduct with seminarians was not, after all, a case where two seminarians in an all-male environment
fell into a same-sex attraction contrary to their natural pre-seminary desires (such
as is said to happen in male prisons where released
prisoners revert to heterosexual experiences after release), but a situation
where one who had power over the life of another is (credibly) alleged
to have used that power over them for his own ends.
It would be easy to
lay the blame for the Synod’s flirtation with LGBT ideology solely on Pope
Francis due to his ambiguous leadership on moral issues, but this would be too
narrow: until all the Fathers of today’s Church come back to the received Tradition from their theological ramblings and take up the task of recovering authentic teaching on
marriage and sexuality (as well a return to good catechetical teaching and transcendent
liturgy) the rotting of the Church from the inside will be impossible to stop.