Those who know me well know I do not like the New Order (Novus Ordo) of Mass. I have no
difficulty saying the Novus Ordo is
legitimate (it is, after all, built from the elements of the Traditional Mass) and
valid (it has been promulgated by the Church’s Supreme Authority). But whereas Vatican Council II asked for noble
simplicity in the Mass, what we have in the Novus
Ordo is banal and skeletal.
I hold however, that the Norvus Ordo Rites
cannot be invalid, since if the New Rites
(for Mass, Ordinations, Anointing of the Sick etc) are indeed invalid, [1] God
has been failing to feed His flock for the last fifty years, and [2] Christ has
failed to keep His promise that His Church will not fail. I believe we cannot accept
that the new Rites are invalid unless we
also hold that that God has failed to feed His flock and Christ has failed to protect
His Church.
That does not mean the New Rites are good, however. To be good a
Rite should express clearly the reality is holds, and the New Rites do not
always do this. In that sense the New Rites can be said to be entirely ‘fit for
purpose’. Still, when compared to the Traditional Rite, the Novus Ordo Missae does not come off too
badly in that:
Both contain an entrance
antiphon (Introit)
Both contain a Confiteor
which actively seeks the intercession of the angels and saints
Both contain the misareatur
4. Both contain the Kyrie
Both contain an Epistle
Both contain the Gospel
Both contain the Credo
Both contain the ancient
Roman Canon
Both contain the Our
Both contain the prayer
for peace (Libera nos)
Both contain the Agnus Dei
Both contain the Domine non sum Dignus before
distribution of Holy Communion
Both contain a final
Both contain a blessing
and dismissal.
Sadly however, we have to recognise that though much as has been retained,
it is the significant elements that the
Novus Ordo omits that disturbs, for
it omits:
The seeking of God’s grace
before we dare to enter His sanctuary (Judica
The Indulgentiam (minor absolution)
The genuflection during
the Creed by which were honour the Incarnation
The genuflections given to
the Blessed Sacrament before and after every time the priest touches the Sacred
The Offertory (the prayers
preparing for a Holy Sacrifice having been replaced with a prayer based on the
Jewish Grace before Meals, thus giving lie to the central reality of the Mass
as His Body given up and His Blood
being shed: “every time you eat this
bread and rink this cup you are proclaiming the lord’s death” 1.Cor.11v26).
The prayer to the Holy
Trinity (Placeat tibi) asking that
the Sacrifice offered may bring forgiveness for all for whom it is offered, yet
forgiveness (mercy) is at the core of the Gospel.
Indeed, even in what has been retained there was an unnecessary
meddling with the texts. For example:
The Kyrie has been reduced
from nine invocations to three, and re-ordered so that it now sounds like a
plea to the Trinity rather than to Christ alone, who in the Traditional form was
named in each of the three stanzas, thus making clear that the whole of the
Kyrie is addressed to Christ and not to Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
There has been a
interpolation into the Roman Canon of an acclamation said by the people, using
the words ‘ Mysterium fidei’ as its introduction. This is an unwarranted (and
ill-mannered) interruption of the prayer of the Son to His Father, and for no
other reason than to give the people something to say. It is also a sneaky way
of undermining the priest’s unique,
irreplaceable and singular role in the recitation of the Canon and the confecting
of the Consecration.
The very words of the
consecration have been changed, despite the injunction of Vatican II that “there must be no innovations unless the
good of the Church genuinely and certainly requires them” (SC #23). There
was no ‘genuine and certain need’ for
the words of the consecration to be changed. This can only have arisen from a
political ideology (such as diminishing
the role of the priest by introducing a people’s acclamation of the Mysterium Fidei).
The Novus Ordo also
fails in its concrete celebrations, in that it
most usually ignores
Vatican II’s injunction that Latin be retained:
Masses which are celebrated with the people, a suitable place may be allotted
to their mother tongue. This is to apply in the first place to the readings and
the common prayer, but also, as local conditions may warrant, to those parts
which pertain to the people, according to the norm laid down in Art. 36 of this
Constitution. (cf. 36. 1: Particular law
remaining in force, the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the
Latin rites.)
should be taken so that the faithful may also be able to say or to sing
together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to
wherever a more extended use of the mother tongue within the Mass appears
desirable, the regulation laid down in Art. 40 of this Constitution is to be
observed (that is, that the permission of Rome is sought and obtained -GD).
(b) has opened the Rite of the Holy
Eucharist –the Most precious Gift Christ gave us- to novelties:
Communion in the hand (a Protestant
invention long abandoned by Rome) despite the ruling by Paul VI that this may
not be introduced after 1969 –cf. Memoriale Domini, 1969) and can
be permitted only in those countries which prior to 1969 had illicitly begun
the practice: Holland, then Belgium, France and Germany).
Lay Extra-ordinary
ministers of Holy Communion (which destroys the priest’s role as he who stands
in the place of Christ who ‘took, blest, broke and gave’).
(iii) Ladies acting as Extra-ordinary ministers of
Holy Communion (Christ established only males as ministers of His Body and
(iv) A people-facing orientation of the celebrant (making the Mass a
dialogue between priest and people rather than a pilgrimage of priest and
people toward the heavenly Jerusalem of the spiritual East).
None of the above novelties are found in the documents of Vatican II,
and indeed, and this is very important,
they are not found in the N.O.M promulgated by Paul VI as the faithful implementation of Vatican
II’s liturgical decree.
All in all, while
there is indeed a significant similarity between the 1570 and 1970 editions of
the Missale Romanum, there are also
striking divergence, and it is this divergence that leaves one’s soul seeking
more. What is truly sad is that those who refuse to welcome the Traditional Rites
demonstrate an antagonism to their own roots, and cut off from their roots they
die, as is seen in the massive lapsation, the dearth of vocations and the
closure of schools, parishes and convents that has followed this rejection of
Traditional Liturgy and the Tradition of the Catechism.