Tuesday 21 November 2017

An update about Father

Father was started on intravenous (IV) antibiotics on Friday and, despite still being very ill, had shown some minor minor improvement and was transferred to a different hospital last night (Monday) and his antibiotics changed to oral. At around 4am this morning he deteriorated significantly and struggled to breathe, and it was discovered that his infection markers (CRP & White Cell Count) had risen again. Further, despite the pneumonia having been hitherto confined to one lung, the other now has 'crackles'. He has since been switched back to IV antibiotics and is being closely monitored.

Needless to say, he remains terribly ill, and prayers are of paramount importance...


  1. I am so sorry to hear this. I am from another continent but will keep Father in my prayers.

  2. God and Our Lady Protect Him.

    Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It is in Heaven.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Father. My apologies: although it's taken me a while to publish recent comments, I was able to let Father know the same day you posted it.

  4. Prayers will be said for his recovery, God Willing.

  5. Details of his illness have been passed to priests who know him

    1. Thank you, David - I've tried to keep them up to date too, so between us hopefully we've been 'successful'.

  6. Franciscan @ St. Clare's @ Blackley, Manchester include Fr. Dickson on the prayers "sick list".

  7. I am so sorry to hear of Father Dickson's illness. I shall remember him in my prayers.

  8. Can you please keep us regularly updated about Fr Gary's health. He is an important priest to a great number of people. Prayers & Masses assured.

    1. Thank you, David. I've tried to post more regularly but his progress has been so poor, foggy -and frequently, backwards- that it has been difficult to post anything with any clarity. I think he certainly appreciates both the assurance -and the absolute need- of prayers and Mass offerings... :(

  9. Prayers for dear Fr Dickson.


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