Friday, 19 May 2017

Urgent Prayer Request -updated

Of your charity, please pray for a young pro-life Doctor who has suffered a catastrophic stroke and been declared unlikely to recover. At the moment it appears she is being sustained only by mechanical ventilation ('life support'). I have asked God for His graces of strength, hope and peace for Doctor R., her family, and her friends, and for the graces of insight, skill and compassion for the health professionals who care for her. Let us commend Dr. R to the care of Our Blessed Lord and to the intercession of Our Lady, Health of the Sick. Thank you for your prayers.

UPDATE. I am informed that the good doctor has died without any recovery. Please pray for her soul and for the comforting of her family and friends. 


  1. I am saying a 54 day novena to Our Lady, and will include Dr. R in the intentions. Thank you for posting this request. God bless

    1. Thank you, geneticallycatholic.
      I will update on the good doctors condition if and when i hear any news.
      God Bless.

  2. Just on my way to church to pray Vespers. I will offer my prayers for the sick doctor and her family.

  3. May she rest in the peace of Christ Amen

  4. I have been praying for her Father and will now pray for the repose of her soul and also for her family.

    Thank you for the update. God bless

    1. Thank you for your prayers. I'm only sorry this has had to be such a sad update.
      God Bless.


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