Thursday 3 September 2015

In Support of Torch Of The Faith

That excellent site, Torch of the Faith (see link at the side of this blog), have this to say in their most recent post:

“...movements of potential persecution seemed to begin against us for the things that we have said in the public realm. Certainly, our writings here are being observed. The silence of so many Catholics - at least in public - left us feeling even more exposed.”

The administrators of TOTF do not say here who the persecution is coming from, or who is observing them, or indeed how they know this, but let us be clear: such hostility is unacceptable. I am sorry that this dedicated couple are experiencing some persecution, and hope it is not coming from the clergy. Clerics may have no canonical authority over what laity say in their blogs and sites, but they can make it very difficult for good folk by making their criticisms known to other laity because it can isolate those with whom the cleric is at odds. That seems to me to lack in prudence and charity.
It can be that laity simply do not like or want to hear what is being said by their brothers and sisters in Christ, and so turn cold towards them. This may not be active persecution but it is at least close to (if not an example of) what is known as passive aggression.
Why should speaking the truth or even offering an opinion cause personal hostility? Why should laity –in this case Torch of the Faith- not be allowed their say and be respected for it?
I have not found their posts to be offensive to any individual, even though the actions of individuals may be criticised, as in the posts about the irregular activities that took place during the celebration of the Requiem Mass for Cilla Black. But unless TOTF criticise individuals and make defamatory remarks about them, why are they not applauded?
I think the majority of bloggers who seek to live the fullness of the Catholic Faith always try to act and speak in charity. They seek to refrain from making comments about persons and using offensive adjectives to describe them, but remain clear about why they see the actions or words of individuals as wrong. I think TOTF are among those bloggers, and I hope the persecution they fear is beginning against them does not come to fruition. Oremus.


  1. Dear Father, I can't get onto their site to leave a message so I hope you don't mind if I leave one here for them. TOTF I do hope your fears are unfounded and will add you both to my prayers. We need good Catholic bloggers to keep on. There seems to be attacks coming from all sides these days. May the good Lord keep you in His Heart.

  2. In all honesty father it wouldnt suprise me if it were the government doing the persecution

    1. They don't need to; there are enough folk willing to take Christians to court over wedding cakes, hotel rooms, crucifix necklaces etc!
      God Bless.

  3. Dear Father,

    Since their blog does not seem to permit comments, may I also ask you to be go-between?

    It is beyond my understanding that anyone should wish to persecute this good and gentle couple for their steadfast and charitable presentation of the truth: and in a time when the local church at least has for about fifty years been emphasising the parents' primary responsibility for the children's Catholic formation, it beggars belief that any cleric sholuld be hostile to these outstanding examples of the fruits of devout and faithful parents. God bless them and long may they continue their good work

    1. Again, my pleasure.
      God Bless you and yours Jim.

  4. I would also like to give my support to them. Thank God for their courage.
    They are in my daily prayers.
    Thank you as well Father, I hope you are keeping well and that your health is improving.

  5. Thank you, Father, for your public support of a good Catholic married couple who are being harrassed and intimidated for standing up for the unchangeable truth in Faith and morals. Thank you, dear Alan and Angeline, for standing up for God and His Holy Laws, and sacrificing yourself to the followers of Satan, with whom many prelates of the Church are colluding. Your courageous fidelity to the Faith in face of persecution will save souls, and is a great inspiration and admonition to those of us who are not sacrificing enough for Our Lord. God bless and protect you both. May more bishops and priests do their duty and support the truth, and support the Faithful such as you who publicly put yourselves in the way of persecution to fight evil, particularly within the Church, where so many prelates are heretics or apostates and collaborators with the enemies of God, and persecutors of the good.

    1. United we stand, divided we fall.
      God Bless you and yours, Lynda.

  6. Mea culpa! I forgot to ask after your health and thank you too Father!Thank you for the reminder MaryPatricia. I had a cataract op three years ago and it's great but last year the eye started to cloud over. It happens to some people and it was ridiculously easy to fix. Just in case it happens to you, it's really nothing to worry about. I went back and watched a 'light show' (laser treatment). for a few minutes and then it was fine. No pain, no discomfort, no needles, just interesting. Only a small percentage of people get it.

    May God reward you for your work Father.

    1. I'm sure Alan and Angeline are pleased to see they have this support.
      As for my cataracts, sadly the second one cannot be done for six months now following my recent heart attack. Oh well...
      And thanks, I was told about the possibility of the lens capsule clouding over. I hope I'm one of those who does not need the light show!
      God Bless.

  7. Dear Father,

    We wish to say a very big ''Thank You!'' to you and to your readers for taking the time to write the very kind and supportive article and all these related comments.

    May Our Lord bless you all for your loving kindness.

    God bless
    Alan and Angeline


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